This week’s guest on Root & Bone is baking legend Ravneet Gill, who seems determined to build an empire, fix the restaurant business and get us all baking to a higher standard, all at the same time. If you want to be inspired about the future of UK cooking, look no further - Rav’s on a mission to make things better.

She took time out to invite us over, rustle up some Aloo Parathas and talk about everything from Junior Bake-Off to the right way to dip an apple pie into a McFlurry. This one’s a real dose of positivity - we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Rav’s latest book ‘Sugar, I Love You’ is out now - Pavilion Books
Jobs and industry advice at Rav's community hub Countertalk
Rav's online baking academy, is here Damson Jelly Academy